This is our new thing. Well, actually not "new", he's been doing it for about 4mo now, but just now caught it on film. It is Maysen, oinking like a pig! He has this Old MacDonald toy - remember the toy where you pull the handle and whatever animal it's on, the sound is made? Well, Auntie bought him one for Christmas and now whenever the pig is played, he oinks right along with it. Ugly face, but cute at the same time!
So, this is my last day of work until next Friday. Oooo, vacation you'd think. No. Next week is going to be yard work hell. Yesterday it was 68 degrees and we took advantage and ripped out a bush out front, took dirt from leveling our garden, and made a huge mound out front and planted two rhododendrons on it. Much better. Until we saw the neighbor kid burning up it with his bike as though it was a dirt bike arena. Yea -- that went over well. That's the first time I've turned into the crotchity old lady that used to sit outside on her porch and yell at us for skating through her flower beds. I used to think she just needed to hurry up and die so I could go blowing through her yard at 100mph on my skates uninterrupted. OH! While I'm here, I've gotta tell you this story. Same crotchity old lady -- different story many years later. One Fourth of July my sister, me, and friend April decided to be hellions (is that a word?) and pay her back. Mind you, I was older, but still thought crap like this was funny (...and still kinda do). So, at the dead of night we went over to her 1/2 acre yard armed with millions of sparklers. We strategically planted them throughout her yard. All at once Jenn and I blew around and lighted all of them while April rang her doorbell. She came to the door and thought her yard was on fire! I was running away as I heard her "Oh MY YARD'S ON FIRE", I look over my shoulder and see this huge blaze of sparklers all a'glow. I was laughing so hard while trying to run that I melted like a marshmellow as I came to the curb and couldn't even step down -- I just fell to the ground on a gravel street. That'll teach me. Ok, I got a good laugh out of taking a trip down Memory Lane. I've got MANY other stories of childhood rebellion that I won't divulge (...right now).
Happy Weekend!
Oh. My. Lord. I totally forgot about that! Or how about busting through Allen Bretz's yard with Angelina and Luke? We got fencing caught underneath the car once and it was sparking like mad as we blew away down a side street. Gee, the flames shooting out the back wasn't any indication of where we'd been. ;-)
ReplyDeleteDo you remember busting through Darcy's alley? Me, Steve D., and Ange, I think - oh, and Luke, I believe (he was always with us on those excursions) and we lit off that 100 pack of blackcats on her doorstep. I just remember it being pitch black and seeing Steve's cig bounding at you in the dark. Funniest crap ever. Wow.
Weird. Okay. Here I am. I was just saying in the post that didn't appear, that I totally forgot about the sparkler incident. Remember when we lit off all those blackcats on Darcy's doorstep? I remember just seeing Steve D's cherry from his cig lighting up the night as he came bounding toward us, full sprint, right before that hummer went off. So funny. :D
ReplyDeleteOr how about the time we went blowing around Alan Bretz's place? We got the fencing caught under the car. Gee, you couldn't tell what we'd been up to, sparks flying in the air behind us as we trucked away, hoping not to be noticed. ;-) Served us right I guess. ;-)
I totally wasn't there for Allen Bretz's thing. I remember the story - wasn't there a shot gun involved and a "STAY AWAY FROM MY PROPERTY" Luke was insane! I still remember him and I burning kitties in Dr Chinburg's yard at 1am. Tore his grass up and everything!