Thursday, February 23, 2006

Mr. & Mrs. Bob Vila

We recently bought this new house in November. Well, not new-new, it's 7 years old, but new to us. Prior to this, my husband (Nathan) and I's "fix'er up'er" skills were next to none. However, today I am proud to say that we are well on our way to hosting our own Bob Vila show. Not that the house needed alot of fixing up, but just the norm you go through when you want things "your way".

The biggest achievement recently is we have replaced both bathroom floors with tile as well as our laundry room. It only took us about 2 months to do, but they were long 2 months. But, am glad it's finally done. The next project will be tackling the backyard. The previous owners landscaped fairly well, but there is a lot of "cleaning up" to do. They have this HUGE garden, which is approximately 16' in length. It just takes up way too much of my grass.

It's my day off today. Thursday is my day off. I only work 4 days a week, although they're 10hr days. I like having a break mid-week, it breaks up the monotony. However, some people seem to keep the day-to-day interesting (see below post). So, what am I doing on my "day off"? Laundry, dusting, Windex'ing, filing taxes, and when Maysen gets up, vacuuming. Have I mentioned I love my relaxing days off? But, the weekend is just around the corner. Doing anything fun? My sister and her finacee, Matt, are coming down from Portland for the weekend. On Saturday we hope to be playing Texas Hold 'Em with my in-laws. Apparently the game is addictive. I have only played one other time, where I experienced "beginner's luck" and whipped everyone's behinds. Apparently I had a good hand, although I couldn't tell you what it was! Have a good weekend ...

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