Monday, February 27, 2006


Saturday night we had a great round of Texas Hold 'Em with my sister, her fiancee Matt, and my in-laws with great wine and a few too many Pacificos. It was a total blast. I went all-in at the end with a great hand of 2 pairs: Aces and 10s. Or so I thought was a great hand. Nope. Good 'ole mom-in-law had three 9s. My father-in-law ended up winning the pot, which he was getting straight after straight ... oh, and an occasional flush. Go figure! But, it was a great time!

Maysen got a new booster seat. He graduated from the highchair and now can sit at the "grown up table" with everyone else. He's such a little man. Yesterday he learned how to gurgle his milk. We were on our way to
Abby's for lunch, and I look back and here's Maysen with his milk cup, and foam coming out of his mouth. Man, that was fun! Silly kid.

I hope everyone had a good weeeknd! Do anything fun?


  1. Anonymous11:21 AM

    I did't see any md on the playing table. HA!

    I cannot believe how big he is getting!

    Hope all is well!


  2. Oh, Neal. I only do that with you :) Don't you know you're my MD pal, and I wouldn't betray that? Miss you!

  3. Anonymous6:37 PM

    Had a great time this weekend. Can't wait to do it again. Maybe I'll have better luck in the Texas Hold 'Em game next time. :D

