GQ boys here!
Griffin has Mrs Meeker for 1st grade this year. Maysen had Mrs Mercer. I think both are great teachers! Mrs Meeker has 2 hamsters that I think are going to be a fun additive to this year. Also, when we were going through our tour, Griffin's friend Lance showed up. Lance has always gone to CCS but this was going to be his first year at Creslane. Those two are going to be a handful! I wonder if our quiet little boys might be getting into mischief this year?
Maysen has Mrs Davenport this year. She is brand new to full time teaching (did some subbing last year I think). I had asked that he be placed with someone who had enthusiasm and willingness to keep him going! I have to admit, though, since football has started he seems to have calmed down some. I think it might be all the practicing and it's worn him out. He was pretty excited to see that Jack and Kellen were both in his class. They're on his football team. Excited to see what this year brings! Not only do they grow physically but each school year they seem to be a little bit inside, too.
October 10th, 2014 Update:
Maysen is doing so so so terrific in school. He is loving it! They spent a month covering art in September and October is the solar system. He loves his teacher and the reports I've gotten back from her so far is that he is the best kid in class. No issues.
Griffin on the other hand. My Mr Quiet. Yeah right. They have a "poker chip" system in school where they get a warning for their behavior and then if it continues they get a poker chip. 3 poker chips means a trip to see Mr Beck, principal. Well Mr Griff frequently comes home with reports of poker chips. It's not for anything but .... talking! He loves to talk, talk to his neighbor, talk outloud. So we are working on that. He gets a sticker for every day he comes home with no poker chips. 5 stickers = ice cream cone from DQ. So far, so good!